One woman shares her experience of stammering therapy. From her initial concerns about starting, to what’s made the biggest difference to her life.


  1. well done Sarah, you should deservedly be very proud if you helped this lady. I found it very inspiring to watch. Technically she may have had a slight stammer but in the context of communicating clearly whatever she wanted to say, she spoke quite fluently and any stammer was no more relevant than the colour of her dress or hair and did not negatively interfere with her speech at all.

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    Sarah Leach

    Speech Therapist (fluency specialist)

    5 Staple Inn, High Holborn,
    London WC1V 7QH

    Keep in touch

    Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists

    Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice

    Giving Voice | Speech and Language Therapy transforms lives